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Organic Vs Synthetic Skincare: What Makes the Better Investment?

As parents we want the best for our kids, so a lot of thought goes into the way we take care of them and raise them, including the kind of skincare products we should or shouldn’t use.

Though most of us are unaware, we’re exposed to dangerous toxins every single day, in the likes of parabens, phthalates and propylene glycol, easily found in traditional cosmetics, known to put our health and well-being at risk of serious issues and illnesses, cancer and autism being some of them.

If this is a threat for us adults, it’s even worse for kids and their delicate skin and health which leads us to the question whether to use or not organic kids products and the answer should undoubtedly be affirmative.

organic kids products

The skin is an organ that absorbs anything you put on it easily, so the toxins of the cosmetics go straight into the bloodstream. Now consider this, a baby’s skin absorbs even faster, along with the fact it quickly loses moisture, which would explain why it’s more fragile.

Would you feel well knowing the chemicals and heavy metals found in cheap baby products go straight into the bloodstream of your little ones, compromising their health and development? If not then it’s time to invest in certified organic kids products guaranteeing they’re 100% natural and made of carefully selected ingredients.

Unlike years before, thanks to the green trends winning people over lately, organic products have become more affordable, so no, they aren’t only for the budget of celebrities. Also, organic care means you get products that are far more efficient than their synthetic counterparts, providing moisturizing and therapeutic benefits.

Furthermore, you can also count on versatility. There are many green kids’ products you’d be able to find nowadays, varying in their ingredients, from shampoos and body washes to creams, body lotions, baby powder, balms, calm gels and sunscreens ideal for the the most sensitive skin; the perfect investment for the whole family.

When you make this simple change, you’d be motivated to make more green choices, such as investing in organic sleepwear, clothing, bedding, as well as foods. In other words, it can make you change your life for the better, inspiring your kids to make the right choices.

This also means becoming more aware of the environment, how to protect it by cutting down on the carbon footprint. Make the switch, choose natural over synthetic, and see how your life improves.


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