It all started five billion years ago when the big bang happened and somebody didn’t hear it. (chuckles). Jokes aside, the hearing sense is a fundamental doorway without which a person will never be able to fully experience the beauty of life itself. A couple of decades ago, it was impossible to perform haring tests until a certain age, however, with the advancement of technology today, audiologists can test children from the moment they are born. Apart from the mandatory tests, some parents decide to take their children for additional tests although they haven’t noticed any problems, because they know that once this disability starts presenting itself, it is already too late.
There are plenty of Australian hearing services that can help you keep track of any abnormalities or hearing anomalies in your child. The best thing about advanced technology is the fact that it all comes down to more accuracy and efficiency and less possible discomfort for the child. Below we will go over some of the most advanced and common methods for testing small children.
Otoacoustic Emissions Testing (OAE)
Otoacoustic Emission testing or also know as OAE is a quick and non-intrusive kind of probe measuring of the inner ear function. Throughout the test, a small sized probe is placed inside the baby’s ear and it makes clicking sounds and other tones which are transferred to the speaker through the ear canal, middle ear and in the end inside the cochlea. If the sound receptors receive the sound, the outer cell reveals a reaction by generating and emitting an acoustic response. This test does not show the level of the baby’s hearing capacity (expressed as a percentage), but it is the first test that is done as to notice if the hearing is functioning properly within normal limits.
Impedance Testing
Audiologists perform impedance testing as to determine if the middle ear is functioning properly or not. This test is done within 30 seconds or less. The goal is to measure the mobility of the eardrum by subjecting it to various types of pressure conditions to see if there is any damage inside the middle ear.
Auditory Brainstem Response (ABR)
Auditory Brainstem Response is performed with three small electrodes that are placed on the baby’s and then different sounds are played. This tests reveals to which sounds and to what intensity the baby reacts. The beauty of this test is that it takes only a couple of minutes and it can even be performed while the baby is asleep.
Audiometry is a test that is done in sound-treated, reputable Australian hearing services rooms , where the child is subjected to different types of sounds, ranging from high to low and from soft to loud. The doctor will take notes of every reaction of the child and give his diagnosis afterwards.