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Used vs. New Pallet Racking

When looking to purchase pallet shelving and racking there are certain things you always look for whether that be durability, maintenance costs, safety and the expected service life of the rack. So when investing money into something like pallet racking, you may be wondering what the difference is between buying new or buying used pallet racking. There are many models available online or in warehouse that are ready to purchase including new, used and reconditioned, so you’re probably wondering which is right for you and your needs and what the differences are.

The biggest difference when choosing between new, used and reconditioned pallet shelving and racking is most definitely the savings. If you’re on a budget or just looking for a better deal well then used is the way to go. The savings may even be up to 60% off retail price, although it may be slightly more difficult to find the exact pallet shelving and racking you’re looking for. There are many warehouses that stock new and used pallet shelving as well as many online stores with extensive catalogs so if you’re looking for a great deal then you may have to do a little research.


As for differences between new, used and reconditioned there virtually is none. The only thing that may differ is the physical appearance of the pallet shelving and racking. Now if physical appearances don’t make a difference for you than this shouldn’t be an issue. As expected, used pallet shelving and racking, just like most things that have been used it is normal to look a little worn down, and there may even be some things left from previous owners such as paint stains. It really all depends on what you’re looking for and what savings you’re looking to make.

But sometimes as good as saving of up to 60% sounds, it may cost you more in the long run. What if the beams or welds are damaged, but cracks are not visible? Or what of any beam connectors or safety clips are missing? This is common when buying used pallet racking. Hence, it is best to purchase new industrial shelving system.


A few tips before you commit to buying pallet racking or anything else for that matter, whether through word of mouth, local warehouses or online stores, try to inspect the product in person, make sure that you get what you’re paying for. If you can’t go in person, you could always ask for photos although it’s not as reliable. Always question a company’s reliability and quality control; do research online or ask previous customers how satisfied they were with their purchase and if they would consider purchasing from that company again. Don’t forget to ask plenty of questions about the product you’re buying; make sure that all safety checks are in order and that in fact the pallet shelving and racking you are purchasing is in good working order and hazard free for the workplace.

Remember that safety comes first; always have an experienced professional assemble and install your pallet racking to avoid injury or damage to your pallet racking. Schedule inspections for your pallet racking to make sure that any damage can be repaired. Never exceed maximum capacity and everyone who interacts with pallet racking should have proper training in safety and learn capacity limits.


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