As the name suggests, the crusher is described as a machine that is generally used for crushing different kinds of materials. Most commonly, the crushers are specifically designed to reduce the size or to change the form of the materials so that they can be easily disposed or reused again. There are different types of crushers on the market, and every crushing machine is used for a particular crushing application. Our focus in this text will be on the stone crusher and roll crusher. Although used for the same purpose, and that is for crushing waste materials, these two machines are different and perform different tasks.
Roll Crusher. The roll crusher is most commonly referred as small crushing device that is used for crushing materials which are characterized by their medium hardness. It is ideal crushing machine for materials such as coal, water resistant materials, and building materials. The roll crusher provides an excellent crushing effect. It is also known as a roller crusher. Most roll crusher models on the market are designed with two rollers which rotate in opposite direction. The materials that need to be crushed enter the roller crusher from the top, and get between the two rollers. As the rollers rotate, the materials are being squeezed and crushed until they get the desired size to get out freely from the bottom opening. The space between the two rotating rollers can be adjusted by the operators depending on the size that needs to be achieved. Some roll crusher models are deigned with protective system. For example, when a material that cannot be crushed enters the machine, the two rollers discharge the material immediately. This way, the rollers protect the roll crusher from damages. There are several roll crusher models on the market, including single roll crusher, double roll crusher, four roller crusher and a tooth roller crusher.
Stone Crusher. The stone crusher, which is also known as rock breaker, is essential crushing machine which is used for mining crushing projects. Depending on the crushing application, there are different kinds of stone crushers on the market, such as hammer crusher, impact crusher, jaw crusher, cone crusher, compound crusher etc. These machines can be further divided into small and large crushing machines depending on their size. The stone crusher is most commonly used for crushing different kinds of ores with low or medium hardness, and it is widely utilized in industries like cement plants, mining sites, sand production plants, refractory materials, metallurgy and other industry sectors. It is described as ideal crushing machine for materials that are hard, like bauxite, carborundum, quartz sand and other similar materials. On the mining sites, the stone crushers are used as primary crushing machines because they improve significantly the production efficiency and reduce the energy consumption. In civil engineering construction projects, this crusher is used for crushing and reshaping different kinds of stones. It can also be used as part of asphalt making equipment.