Based on the Human development index, on the list of “top ten countries to live in” that has been generated in 2012, Australia is on the second place. Because of great opportunities it offers, it’s no wonder why many people are searching for possible ways on how to migrate to Australia. The best and most common way is to search and contact a registered migration agent. He/She is an official representative of the Australian migration offices and can provide reliable information and advise you on the whole process. However these services come at a cost. Most people try to avoid costs like these and look for alternative ways to migrate to Australia. The only alternative in this case is to gather enough information and start the process yourself. But is this the right choice or is it better to visit a registered migration agent?
Based on a cost, conducting the migration process all by yourself is way more cheaper. Most people get intimidated by all the different forms and documents they need to fill out. But this should not be a problem if you have the right information and know what kind of a visa you are applying for. In fact, choosing the right visa is the key moment in starting the procedure. Regardless of whether you’re applying for a tourist visas or any Work visa Australia, keep in mind that Australia is a very strict country when it comes to visa approval. By choosing to go through the migration procedure without registered migration agents, you risk of facing many different problems and obstacles of getting to Australia. For example, if you get your visa application approved, your problem of getting a visa now becomes a problem of settling in.
In terms of credibility and speed of the migration procedure, dealing with official agents is probably the best choice. After all, they are trained professionals who have acquired a certificate to conduct these migration actions and have acquired a lot of experience over the years. On the other hand, you mustn’t get carried away and expect only positive outcome by dealing with a registered migration agent. Visa approval will mostly depend on how well you qualify for the same and what you’ve said on your final interview. Another thing that you should have in mind is the fact that there are many false agents who don’t own official certificates to do the job. So be prepared and ask around before visiting one.
Hopefully this text will provide good points on what to focus on before applying for a migration visa. Your registered migration agent will always be around, but it is up to you to decide whether you have the knowledge or skills to complete the procedure yourself and save some money.
source: SMSF Warehouse Australia