Nothing beats the relationship between a cat and its proud owner. There’s this welcoming sense of unconditional love and companionship like no other. This is what makes it an extremely rewarding and nurturing bond. Unlike dogs, you don’t have to take cats out for a walk because they’re quite independent and prefer to explore things on their own terms. That’s just an added bonus if you ask us.
If you’ve had your cat for a while, you’ve probably noticed it follows a certain pattern. For example, it wakes up in the wee hours of the morning and nags you about breakfast. After its tummy is full, it’s time for a daily nap. One of many. And this is a repetitive pattern. But recently, you’ve noticed your cat doesn’t stick to its regularly scheduled programming. Could something be off?
Not necessarily, but it’s highly likely your cat is experiencing some sort of medical condition. Fear not, whatever it is, it’s probably mild and easily treatable. We understand that you might be anxious when it comes to medicating your cat which is why we’re letting you in on all the treatment details. Once you know all the facts, you might feel more comfortable treating your cat’s condition.
Do Cats Need Medication?

Actually, they do. Just like humans do when we get sick. While they can fight off certain illnesses by themselves, they do need a helping hand sometimes. It’s all part of the routine health care though so no need to start panicking about your cat’s overall wellbeing. You shouldn’t worry too much because taking medications is not uncommon. In fact, it is a regular occurrence in some cases. It doesn’t mean that there’s anything wrong with your feline friend.
Is Human Medicine Safe For Cats?

The short answer is no. Don’t ever give your pet human medications because that could lead to poisoning. This occurs due to the fact that the feline metabolism processes food in a different way when compared to human metabolism. Even the seemingly harmless vitamins or over-the-counter medications can have adverse effects on your cat’s health. But you need to stick to cat medication only.
With that said, if your cat ever swallows human pills by accident, you should consult with your veterinarian on what the best course of action is. Don’t try to mend the situation by yourself – it’s always advisable to seek the help of professionals who can offer advice on which cat drugs to use.
What Medication Is Used For Cats?
There’s no straightforward answer to this question since there are multiple kinds of medications out there that your cat can benefit from in different ways. However, we’ll have a look at some of the most common medical conditions along with the most useful cat drugs available.

So your cat seems to be in pain but you don’t know how to help? You feel desperate and powerless because your kitty can’t communicate what’s going on. If you notice even the slightest change in how they walk, run or leap off the sofa, you want to help them out. If this sounds all too familiar, then you should call your vet and get a cat prescription for medication.
Acute short-term pain can be treated with certain opioids used as pain relievers, such as buprenorphine. On the other hand, long term pain is often associated with inflammation and is normally treated by nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Meloxicam is normally used in the form of injections, though you need to pay close attention to the differences between meloxicam for cats and dogs. In addition, robenacoxib can be used as either pills or injections to alleviate pain.
If your cat suffers from an infection, antibiotics are commonly prescribed to help combat these conditions. Regardless of whether the infection stems from an external wound or something entirely different, antibiotics can be taken for a specific number of days until the infection is gone. Amoxicillin is normally used to treat bacterial infections in the respiratory and digestive systems as well as various skin conditions. Moreover, clindamycin can be administered to treat infections of the skin, mouth or bones.
Gastrointestinal And Urinary Tract Infections

You might be surprised to hear this but unlike human patients, when cats experience these conditions, they can sometimes be asymptomatic. In particular, when a urinary tract infection is left untreated for a longer period of time, it can lead to complications and eventually kidney failure.
In this category, cephalexin is a popular choice due to its minimal side effects and great efficacy. It’s used to treat urinary tract infections in addition to skin and soft tissue inflammations and respiratory problems. Another great option is enrofloxacin which is a multi-purpose antibiotic since it helps treat urinary tract infections, gastrointestinal issues as well as infections of the prostate, lungs, skin and liver.
In any case, you should always talk to your vet before implementing any medication into your cat’s regimen. Educated professionals will always be able to give accurate advice on proper treatment that won’t harm your beloved pet in any way. And remember, make sure to show your pet some extra love and affection during these trying times. After all, we all need that sometimes.