Breastfeeding is beneficial for both mom and her baby. For the mother, it’s known to help in returning the uterus to its normal state, lessening the risk of developing type 2 diabetes, different cancer types and osteoporosis and even with weight loss after delivery. For the baby, breastfeeding has been proven to lower the risk of various diseases like allergies, gut illness, diabetes. respiratory tract infections, urinary tract infections, obesity, asthma and cot death. Plus, breast milk is considered a superfood that babies can easily digest.
It may only take a couple of times for a new mother to figure out that her normal clothes may not be ideal for breastfeeding. First, a woman’s body changes a lot after pregnancy and birth. Second, regular clothes come with a number of hassles for both the mum and her little one. This actually makes wardrobe selection somewhat difficult, especially when you want to go out. It’s for all of these reasons that you may want to consider investing in specialised breastfeeding clothes. This type of clothing can make nursing on the go easy and convenient as well as discrete for both new and experienced mums.

Benefits of Nursing Clothes
Privacy and Discreetness
When you’re at home, breastfeeding is not a problem at all – you can even be all-time fully naked and nobody would care. However, if you want or may need to nurse in public, nursing clothes may come in handy. The way they are designed, breastfeeding clothes provide the utmost privacy and discreetness during this private moment between you and your little one. This means you won’t need to get almost naked to be able to breastfeed your baby. Nursing clothes allow easy access to your breast generally by undoing a zipper or buttons which can be covered by a layer of cloth and therefore hidden from the plain sight. This feature makes nursing clothes a life saviour. One quick move and you are ready to nurse your baby.
Your baby is hungry and crying so much that he/she can be quite possibly heard as far as the moon. So, you don’t want to waste precious time by rolling your T-shirt up and exposing your breast to the world or finding a private place where you can peacefully bare your chest and nurse your baby. All you want is to nurse your baby! Breastfeeding clothing is designed to meet this need. Just undo a button or a zipper and voila – the access to your breast is ready and you can feed your baby.

Some breastfeeding clothing is designed to be worn not only during the breastfeeding period but the pregnancy as well. This means you can buy several pieces of clothing, and you can wear them for a long time. With the arrival of the baby, the mum’s world goes upside down and the last thing they need is to worry about shopping for new clothes. You can buy T-shirts, dresses and nightgowns suitable for both pregnancy and breastfeeding period. Plus, this is definitely more cost-efficient than buying separate clothing for both periods.
Types of Breastfeeding Clothing
Whether you need casual wear or a formal outfit, nowadays you can find a variety of shirts, blouses, dresses, tank tops and sleepwear made especially for breastfeeding mums. You can buy nursing clothes in maternity shops, maternity stores, or online. Here are some of the nursing pieces that you might want to implement to your wardrobe.
Breastfeeding Bras
A nursing bra comes with flaps or panels that move over or pull down so you can breastfeed without having to take off your bra. The right nursing bra will fit you well, be comfortable, and provide support for your heavy, milk-filled breasts. Give preference to bras made from a natural, breathable and absorbent fabric with soft cups. Even with nursing pads, nursing bras can become wet and an absorbent fabric will leave you feeling much more comfortable.

Breastfeeding Shirts and Blouses
Nursing fashion has come a long way. Shirts and blouses designed for breastfeeding now come in so many different styles and colours and may have sides that button-down, pull over, or pull up. And you’ll find out that some styles don’t look like nursing tops at all. You might even be able to wear some of your nursing tops long after you wean your baby.
Breastfeeding Sleepwear
Sleeping in something comfortable that allows easy access to your breasts for those nighttime feeding is a must. If you only make one purchase designed specifically for breastfeeding, make sure it is a good choice. Good breastfeeding sleepwear will allow you to nurse your baby as easily as possible and get some shut-eye before the next feeding.
Breastfeeding Formal Wear and Dresses
If you want to go out to dinner or head off to a family party, you don’t have to worry about what to wear. Flattering and stylish nursing dresses and formal wear are also available
Getting your wardrobe ready before your baby comes will give you more time to spend with him/her after birth. You’ll be feeding your baby often, and having clothing that allows easy access to your breasts can make feeding much easier.